A while back we needed a number of small temperature and humidity loggers for use on student projects that often require this kind of basic kit. There’s tonnes of this stuff on the market, but we were looking for something water or weather-proof with a user-serviceable battery.
We bought some MadgeTech Temp1000 units and a couple of RHTemp1000‘s. They are very well-made, rugged, and use standard 1/2AA 3.6V lithium batteries. The temperature only units are waterproof, and the temperature/humidity units are weatherproof. They use a serial interface adaptor that has a USB connection to the PC, and the freely-available MadgeTech4 software.
I left one running for a few weeks in a small warehouse underneath a railway arch – I’ve shown the results below. A couple of top-tips: those little sticky tea-towel holders make perfect adhesive mounts for these units, and if you use inspection stickers, be careful that you place them on the unit in such a way as to not obscure the contacts of the serial interface.
I’m now thinking of trying their Level1000 loggers instead of the Schlumberger “Diver’s” which do not have replaceable batteries.