Illustrating the Mutual Climate Range (MCR) Method

I’m writing up some lecture material on transfer functions and environmental reconstruction, and needed to draw a diagram to illustrate the mutual climatic range method. This code could also be used to make simple MCR calculations and the like.

An example of the output. Because the code produces random patterns, it doesn’t always produce overlapping ranges. It can simply be run a few times until the illustration looks good!

# create 3 sets of normally distributed data
x1 <- rnorm( 100, 15, 2 )
y1 <- rnorm( 100, 19, 2.5 )
x2 <- rnorm( 100, 25, 4 )
y2 <- rnorm( 100, 12, 3 )
x3 <- rnorm( 100, 25, 5 )
y3 <- rnorm( 100, 20, 2 )
# compute the convex hull of those data
h1 <- c( chull( x1, y1 ), chull( x1, y1 )[ 1 ] )
h2 <- c( chull( x2, y2 ), chull( x2, y2 )[ 1 ] )
h3 <- c( chull( x3, y3 ), chull( x3, y3 )[ 1 ] )
# this library deals with polygon clipping
require( polyclip )
# compute the clipping area
# this is a polyclip method inside another polyclip method
# because polyclip is pairwise
clip <- polyclip( polyclip( list( x = x1[ h1 ],
y = y1[ h1 ] ),
list( x = x2[ h2 ],
y = y2[ h2 ] )
list( x = x3[ h3 ], y = y3[ h3 ] )
# plot the polygons
plot( 0,
type = "n",
xlim = c( range( c( x1, x2, x3 ) ) ),
ylim = c( range( c( y1, y2, y3 ) ) ),
xlab = "Annual Temperature Range (°C)",
ylab = "Temperature of the Warmest Month (°C)"
polygon( x1[ h1 ], y1[ h1 ], col = adjustcolor( "red", alpha.f = 0.2 ), border = "red" )
polygon( x2[ h2 ], y2[ h2 ], col = adjustcolor( "green", alpha.f = 0.2 ), border = "green" )
polygon( x3[ h3 ], y3[ h3 ], col = adjustcolor( "magenta", alpha.f = 0.2 ), border = "magenta" )
polygon( clip[[ 1 ]] )
# add a legend
legend( "bottomright",
legend = c( "Species 1", "Species 2", "Species 3" ),
fill = c( adjustcolor( "red", alpha.f = 0.2 ),
adjustcolor( "green", alpha.f = 0.2 ),
adjustcolor( "magenta", alpha.f = 0.2 )
border = c( "red", "green", "magenta" )
# mark the mutual ranges on the opposing axes
axis( 3,
labels = round( c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$x ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$x ) ),
1 ),
at = c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$x ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$x) )
axis( 4,
labels = round( c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$y ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$y ) ),
1 ),
at = c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$y ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$y) )