I’m writing up some lecture material on transfer functions and environmental reconstruction, and needed to draw a diagram to illustrate the mutual climatic range method. This code could also be used to make simple MCR calculations and the like.

# create 3 sets of normally distributed data
x1 <- rnorm( 100, 15, 2 )
y1 <- rnorm( 100, 19, 2.5 )
x2 <- rnorm( 100, 25, 4 )
y2 <- rnorm( 100, 12, 3 )
x3 <- rnorm( 100, 25, 5 )
y3 <- rnorm( 100, 20, 2 )
# compute the convex hull of those data
h1 <- c( chull( x1, y1 ), chull( x1, y1 )[ 1 ] )
h2 <- c( chull( x2, y2 ), chull( x2, y2 )[ 1 ] )
h3 <- c( chull( x3, y3 ), chull( x3, y3 )[ 1 ] )
# this library deals with polygon clipping
require( polyclip )
# compute the clipping area
# this is a polyclip method inside another polyclip method
# because polyclip is pairwise
clip <- polyclip( polyclip( list( x = x1[ h1 ],
y = y1[ h1 ] ),
list( x = x2[ h2 ],
y = y2[ h2 ] )
list( x = x3[ h3 ], y = y3[ h3 ] )
# plot the polygons
plot( 0,
type = "n",
xlim = c( range( c( x1, x2, x3 ) ) ),
ylim = c( range( c( y1, y2, y3 ) ) ),
xlab = "Annual Temperature Range (°C)",
ylab = "Temperature of the Warmest Month (°C)"
polygon( x1[ h1 ], y1[ h1 ], col = adjustcolor( "red", alpha.f = 0.2 ), border = "red" )
polygon( x2[ h2 ], y2[ h2 ], col = adjustcolor( "green", alpha.f = 0.2 ), border = "green" )
polygon( x3[ h3 ], y3[ h3 ], col = adjustcolor( "magenta", alpha.f = 0.2 ), border = "magenta" )
polygon( clip[[ 1 ]] )
# add a legend
legend( "bottomright",
legend = c( "Species 1", "Species 2", "Species 3" ),
fill = c( adjustcolor( "red", alpha.f = 0.2 ),
adjustcolor( "green", alpha.f = 0.2 ),
adjustcolor( "magenta", alpha.f = 0.2 )
border = c( "red", "green", "magenta" )
# mark the mutual ranges on the opposing axes
axis( 3,
labels = round( c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$x ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$x ) ),
1 ),
at = c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$x ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$x) )
axis( 4,
labels = round( c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$y ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$y ) ),
1 ),
at = c( min( clip[[ 1 ]]$y ),
max( clip[[ 1 ]]$y) )